Email Marketing Works

If you aren't using email as part of your marketing strategy, WHY NOT? For every £1 spent on email marketing, you get an average of £42 back. YES you read that correctly. And, depending on your list size you may even be able to email your customers for free. FOR ZERO ££ investment.

Here’s the scoop:

 Email is a highly converting marketing channel.

Why? Because the people on your email list have asked to be there. They're interested in your business and what you have to offer.

There are soooo many ways to use email as part of your marketing strategy

✉ Have an online shop? Show your new in, seasonal products (Christmas, Easter, Mothers day, Spring, Summer holidays, the list is endless).

✉ Provide a service? Share your top tips, and lessons learned, and promote a workshop or new service offer.

✉ Want feedback? Send an email.

✉ Need a testimonial? You guessed it, email!

✉ And so much more.


Email is a brilliant way to reach a warm audience and turn them into loyal and happy customers.

Want more great news? Using Socials is a fab route to build your email list. Not sure how?

I can help.

Let me build a bespoke strategy that will allow you to create a really engaged, email list, direct from your socials audience.

Want to hear the best bit, you own the data, so if Meta shut up shop, you still have a list of the creme of your social followers saved on your laptop!

If you’d like to get started, but would like a little bit of direction, I’m hosting an Insta to email Masterclass on Wednesday 22nd May. Il be sharing my expert knowledge of getting set up with email marketing and Instagram list-building strategies. One hour to get you on your way to success with email.

The best part, it’s only £7 to join. Grab your place via the link below. 



How often should I email my marketing database?